P8: Resilience of Lake Constance from a paleolimnological point of view
In this project, paleolimnological data are used to analyse whether the current status of the plankton community (achieved through lake re-oligotrophication) has returned to that of the 1950s (i.e. years of similar total phosphorus levels). The trophic state is reconstructed on the basis of the diatoms or Clacodera (water fleas) in the different lakes (Lake Constance, Lake Walen, Lake Zurich) or lake parts of Lake Constance, with the aim of investigating the resilience and reversibility of the plankton community.

In collaboration with

Salmaso N, Anneville O, Straile D, Viaroli P (2018) European large perialpine lakes under anthropogenic pressures and climate change: present status, research gaps and future challenges. Hydrobiologia DOI: 10.1007/s10750-018-3758-x.